Be Careful – Gambling!

Gambling or "the game of chance" is a deliberately risky venture, the gain of which depends, first, on chance coincidences, and not on the skill of the player. Gambling includes card games, craps, roulette, slot machines, wagering on events with dubious or unpredictable outcomes (bets on horse races, sports matches, duels), etc. The main intention in gambling is to make a profit or material values (winnings), much exceeding the bet made by the player, "for nothing". And the main emotional event for the player is the process of "pre-winning" experience: anticipation, desire to win. Today, gambling also includes many computer games, in which emotional satisfaction and the achievement of virtual success become a win.

A pathological addiction to gambling usually develops in young people and has a chronically progressive course, in which periods of abstinence from games alternate with relapses, an irresistible urge to play. Currently, the addiction to gambling is more common among men, but the prevalence of gambling among members of the opposite sex is clearly on the rise.

How to Recognize Gambling Addiction?

As it’s commonly said, know your enemy - it’s half the battle. You can prevent gambling addiction at the early stages if you know its common signs. They are as follows:

  • the future addict talks a lot about his favourite game, constantly thinks about what to play;
  • lack of desire to distract from the included game, aggressive behavior when forced to withdraw, emotional upsurge when the game is resumed;
  • loss of interest in food;
  • inability to tell the exact time of the end of the game;
  • reduction in sleep time;
  • refusal to comply with the rules of personal hygiene, communication with family members and acquaintances;
  • loss of interest in once-favourite activities.

Stages of The Addiction

Gambling addiction, as a disease, manifests itself through three successive stages.

Stage I. There is a lack of awareness that the addiction develops. The future gambling addict begins to play more often, every time he/she makes ever higher stakes, unconsciously lengthens the sessions.

Stage II. It is difficult to forbid oneself to play. Choosing between "play – not play", a gambler increasingly tends to the latter. The game is gradually becoming rampant. There are thoughts of imminent luck, belief in good luck. Cash winnings are spent on new bets.

Stage III. In psychological sources, the third stage of the disease of gambling addiction is characterized by a photo of a person sitting at a computer monitor, whose facial expression conveys the strongest emotional excitement. The game continues for an unlimited amount of time. During "rest", the patient thinks about future steps on the playing field. The urge to play again becomes overwhelming. Monetary debts appear.

How Do Gambling Platforms Address The Situation?

In fact, many reputable platforms (like) realize the severity of the situation and try to deal with it. For instance, many platforms have implemented a system of notifications and limitations that warn players when they spend too much time online. And if the player ignores pop-up messages, a web-based casino can disable their bankroll/account for the next 24 hours.